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Acting, camera, casting​

Intensive training of 123h - 3 weeks

Next sessions: 

June 1 to 9, 2024,

registration deadline: 01/5/2023


- Martin Le Gall, director



 Acting Lab Studio offers a complete training that will allow you to perfect your acting and knowledge in each of the stages needed to prepare for a role: from working on the scenes to their filming in professional conditions, including the essential step of auditioning.


The purpose of this training is to allow the actors to work in conditions close to real ones, and to benefit from the experience of working professionals. Each trainee will have access to the images shot under real conditions, for them to use in their reel.

Acting Lab Studio trainings are given by Eva Bossaer or Patrice Ortega. They were both trained by Ivana Chubbuck and certified by the Chubbuck Studio in Los Angeles.


On the programme (for more information see detailed programme) :

- Learning the Chubbuck Technique
- Applying it in scene work
- Audition training
- Script analysis and rehearsals in preparation for filming
- Self-Tape Training
- Filming under real conditions
- Viewing and analysis of actor's own interpretations
- Group and individual assessment


Objectives of the training:

- Interpret and understand a director’s expectations and vision while remaining a creative force.

- Experience the realities of filming and benefit from the support of professional directors and experienced coaches.

- Work on bringing truth and sincerity to the work, and be able to create a space of intimacy during filming or auditioning.

- Master script analysis, scene organization and understand what's at stake in the scenario.

- Widen acting range and develop imagination, learn to take risks with confidence to give the best performance.

- Learn how to prepare for audition, take confidence and stack all the odds in your favour. 


Accommodation arrangements for persons with disabilities:

Our organization is committed to welcoming and accompanying people with disabilities in their training.

In this context we offer to:

- welcome and accompany you individually

- assess your specific needs in relation to a disability situation

- implement the necessary pedagogical, organizational, and material adjustments.


Your advisor within Acting Lab Studio :

Patricia Olive, +33 07 69 71 71 20.

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Pour que la formation soit une chance pour tous, notre organisme est engagé dans une démarche d'accueil et d'accompagnement en formation des personnes en situation de handicap

Déclaration d'activité de formation enregistrée sous le numéro 76310911631 auprès du Préfet de la Région Occitanie.

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